User Portal

What is a User Portal?

A User Portal is a private dashboard with all the relevant (and secure) information for customers or users of a business. They have an online account that gives access to certain information that a customer might need access to, or will need to check from time to time.

Working with the User Portal in OPS-COM

All of your customers must register as a new user before using the OPS-COM User Portal. This will then allow users to purchase parking permits, appeal violations, purchase lockers, make payments, view their vehicles and their history, etc. We covered user registration earlier in this course so now we will concentrate on how the user will be able to navigate the user portal.

Edit User Profile

If at any time a customer needs to make changes to their profile (e.g. the customer moves and has a new address) they can do so by editing their user profile. Once they have logged into the user portal, they can click their name in the top right hand corner followed by your profile. From this area they can change their personal information, address and password. For step by step instructions you can visit our public wiki article here:

View User Profile History

To access user history, click on the profile menu in the top right corner of the user portal and choose History. Clients can view a summary of all their history including Lockers, Parking Permits, Access Cards, Violations, and Payment Records. The user is able to drill into the links to see payment receipts or violation information. For step by step instructions you can visit our public wiki article here:

Purchasing a Parking Permit

The Permit tab is found on the navigation bar of the user portal and allows customers to purchase either regular parking permits (monthly, semester, yearly) or temporary parking permits (short-term permits from a few hours to a few days). After logging in and clicking the permit tab, if you do not have a vehicle registered, the Vehicles screen will display. If you already have a vehicle set up you can continue to purchase a permit or join a waitlist. Once you have reserved a permit you will be directed to the payments due page.

Some lots may have been set up to accept a waiting list. If so, you can join it and see your ranking on that list. The Parking Office will inform you when a spot is available in your desired lot. Once a user has joined a waitlist in a lot, they can still purchase permits in other lots without affecting their waitlist status. However, if a user decides to purchase a permit in a lot they are waitlisted for, it will remove their status.

For step by step instructions you can follow along with OperationsCommander’s public training wiki for Purchasing a Parking Permit here:

Registering and Editing Vehicles

To register or edit a vehicle, the user will choose the Vehicles tab from the user portal navigation bar. Alternately, they may be automatically redirected to this section if they try to purchase a permit and don’t have a vehicle associated with their account.

If you have any vehicles registered, they will be displayed once you click on the Vehicles tab. You can choose to add a new vehicle, edit the information on any vehicle listed, activate or deactivate a vehicle by clicking the dropdown and choosing which selection you would like, or you can associate a plate to a user. Associating a plate is used when there is a plate in the system that you want to have associated with your user profile. You can add the name of the plate, save it and click the associate button to complete. For more information and step by step instructions, you can visit our public wiki article here:

When adding a new vehicle, please keep in mind that a plate or a VIN number is required. If you enter a VIN number only, the VIN number will be used as a replacement for the plate. You must also choose the correct Province/State and the Plate Type. For most users this will be Passenger.

Introduction to the User Portal Wiki for your Clients

OperationsCommander has an informational wiki that is available to your clients and since this is a public wiki it is available to your users at any time. The link to the user portion of the wiki is available here: and can be shared with your users whenever they have questions or require step by step guidance in using the software.