User Types

What Are User Types?

The user type is used to categorize users in several areas of the system. User types are used for example; as a method to manage access to certain items, as a method to apply different permit rates, as a parameter in searching information, etc. You have the ability to make certain payment types and user types visible to your users through this menu. 

Creating a New User Type

There are four categories:

These master user types are important as they govern access to other items in the system. Payment types for example, can be restricted as far as being visible in the system to internal users, end users both as staff or student. You may want Payroll deduction only visible to Staff users, as an example. These preferred payment types are set by the OPS-COM technical team when configuring your site. You would have to contact the support team to make changes to these payment types.

The look and feel of the profile form itself is also affected by master user type. Student users would see items in the profile registration form that staff users would not see and vice versa.


Please see below for a quick video presentation on the set up of User Types in OPS-COM. Alternately, you can follow along with OperationsCommander’s public training wiki here: