A Start To Learning the Basics

Welcome to the OperationsCommander (OPS-COM) family!

There is a lot to consider when you bring a new system online. This is an investment in your future that will ultimately save your organization time and money. This guide will outline the setups and information required to make this a successful and smooth rollout. We have streamlined the setup of OPS-COM Standard to make it as simple as possible for you to engage in this self-guided process.

For more detailed information and explanations, our parking and security training wiki, which is a growing wealth of information about using our software and how to apply best practices, can be accessed here: https://wiki.ops-com.com/x/CQA8Gw. You may also contact support@ops-com.com at any time and we will be happy to point you in the right direction!

As the OPS-COM system is constantly being upgraded and improved upon, this training course may, at times, show some screenshots or videos with information that may look different than your current system view. Please know that we are always striving to refine the information provided here to show you the most up to date versions. If at any time you have any difficulties understanding any of the material within, please know we are always here to help.

About the Learning the Basics Training Course

In this course you will be learning the basics of the OPS-COM system which refers to the Setup and Configuration of your site. Here you will learn about Admin side setups such as setting up roles and permissions, administrator accounts and setting up a landing page for administrators, as well as customizations for the User side such as user setup, system settings, and setting up the look and feel of the user portal through template design and system messaging. For more detailed information, you can follow along with OperationCommander’s public training wiki here: https://wiki.ops-com.com/x/EgA8Gw.

Here is a Guide to the Symbols Used Throughout Our Courses

Tips and Tricks

This icon symbolizes an important tip or trick that you may want to be aware of.


This icon symbolizes a warning or important reminder that you need to pay attention to.

Technical Stuff

This icon symbolizes some technical information about the topic we are discussing.

Bookmark This Page

This icon symbolizes an important tip or trick that you may want tobookmark or remember.


This icon symbolizes an important reminder.

Feature Explained

This icon symbolizes a place where an explaination of a feature is provided

Thank you for choosing OperationsCommander!