Working with Parking – The Basics

Developing a Parking Plan

A good master parking plan allows for future planning and revenue growth while maximizing existing potential in an effective way. By default there are lots already set up and ready to get you going faster.

In our advanced training course we show how optimal lot planning is achieved when you determine the physical locations of all the parking lots that you currently have, the current number of parking spaces available, the user types that you allow to park in each lot and how much each space costs. In addition, you must determine the type of permits that you issue (yearly, semestered, monthly, other, etc.) and how many of each type of permit you issue per year. This will help you to determine the number of total permits you need to have available and the the range of permits needed for each lot. In addition to physical lots, you may also have Virtual Lots.

The Standard Permits tab allows an admin to enter details specific to selling a standard permit in this lot. You will be able to set the base amount charged for parking in this lot, choose to allow or disallow proration, multiple permits, hangtags or the use of waiting lists for the chosen lot, indicate when to allow the waiting list, select the sales window type (yearly, monthly, semestered or other), and indicate if deposits are required for this lot and of what type.

Options on the Temporary Parking tab allow the admin to configure all aspects of temporary parking for this lot, such as, checkboxes to allow or disallow temp parking only, the duration of temp permits use, to apply permits to all vehicles on a users profile and enabling the lot for Text2ParkMe (if applicable). Other settings on this tab cover maximum permits per day, the daily cost of parking in this lot, and the hourly costs to park broken down by hour over a 12 hour period. The last option, for hourly parking, is incredibly flexible where you can choose to set up rates in hourly blocks, 2 hour blocks, or multiples of larger segments of time.


Please see below for some quick video presentations on the material covered above. Alternately, you can follow along with OperationsCommander’s public training wiki here: