A report is a document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose. In modern business scenario, reports play a major role in the progress of business. Reports are the backbone to the thinking process of the establishment and they are responsible, to a great extent, in evolving an efficient or inefficient work environment. Reports present information on various aspects of the business, help in decision making, and can help in problem solving.
OPS-COM has several built-in reports that can be leveraged to pull data from the system to either feed into financial reporting, usage analysis, incident tracking, etc. We have a number of reports that can be accessed in each module.
There are a number of different reports that can be found under the Reports tab in Parking Management. A list of names and a brief description will follow below.
Detailed Permit Sales Report – Provides a breakdown of permit sales, by lot, for a specified start and end date. Access to transaction details, permit summary and user information at the click of a button. A payment sub-total of all lots and a summary of totals and permits, by lot, is displayed at the bottom of the page.
Permit Sales by Lot by Month Report – Displays the payment types, amount of sales processed, and the number of permits sold by month, sorted by lot name.
Permit Sales Report – Provides a breakdown of individual permit sales within a specific time frame, user type and sales window type. The displayed information includes the user name, lot name, process date along with the staff/student number, department, and who the permit was mailed to (if applicable).
Active Permit Report – Provides a breakdown of who currently owns or has previously owned permits within a selected time period and allocation type. The information displays when permits were active in a specific sales window within the date range searched for.
Company Permit Report – Displays a comprehensive list of permits by chosen company during a selected time period and active or processed on specified dates.
Temp Permit Sales Report – Provides a breakdown of the total number of purchased or reserved temporary permits per lot within a selected time period, with total dollar amounts per lot. A detailed report of the permits, payment methods, processing dates, etc., are available at the click of a button.
Active Parker Listing – Sorted by selected time period and user type (student, employee or both), this report will display a breakdown of active parkers during the specified time period.
Lot Value Report – Summarizes your lot utilization and total value of the permits sold in each lot. It is a snapshot of the lot values at the time you run it.
Active Deposit Report by Lot – Provides a breakdown of deposits per lot during specified time period as well as a summary total at bottom of page. Search parameters include lot, paid status, and current permit state. Quick auto fill buttons can complete parameters to show deposits by month or can find deposits needing action.
Midnight List – Displays a list of permits that will be cleared at midnight including the user name, lot, permit number and cost. The permits will automatically be released from users that do not have promises for payment (e.g. the permit was reserved but the user did not specify how they were going to pay). These permits will be available for purchase again the next day. You also have the option to uncheck the Clear at Midnight checkbox and leave the permit in a state of waiting for payment.
Awaiting Payment – This reporting tool is located under the Parking Management menu and allows you to choose any or all lots to show all permits that are awaiting payment.
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